Where: Dance Department Studios at the University of Maryland's Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center.
Address: 8270 Alumni Drive, College Park, MD 20742
IMPORTANT Driving, Parking, and Entry Instructions.
As renters, we are not permitted to post outdoor signage to help you. Please read and follow this instructions, and please share with others.
- Approach the campus from Route 193. Turn into campus on Stadium Drive, and the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center (CSPAC) is immediately on your right.
- Parents, pull into the curved driveway and stop at the blue "emergency" pole to drop off your student(s). The walkway back to the Dance Studios entrance is to the right. (The Dance Studios entry doors are visually hidden from Stadium Drive by large plantings, so you won't see them before you pull into the drop-off driveway. But once you pull in and stop at the blue "emergency" pole, you will see a walkway back behind those large plantings. Our volunteers will be there to walk the students in.
- You must enter the building only through the Dance Studio doors, not
the main CSPAC archway entrance or any other doors. CSPAC's indoor signage is inadequate for this and, again, as renters we are not permitted to post our own directional notices.
Caution --
Do NOT enter the campus via the main entrance off of Route 1; your chance of winding your way around campus and finding the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center which houses the Dance Department is close to nil. DO enter the campus from Route 193 (University Boulevard), turning onto Stadium Drive as explained above.
Drop-off and Sign-in.
The Performing Arts Center is a huge wandering complex of a building. When you pull into campus (off of Route 193) and see it immediately on your right, the very first entrance (even before the big canopied entrance) is the door to the Dance Studios. Our volunteers will be at the blue "emergency" pole to help students out of cars and walk them in. Check-in only takes a moment.
Parking. As on most campuses, the parking situation can be complicated. There might be a sports event that weekend, or anything else imaginable. You most likely do have several options on conference weekend, however. But whatever you do, keep in mind that the campus strictly enforces its parking policies!
- When you pull onto campus (off of Route 193 with the Performing Arts Center on your right) you'll see a round-about straight ahead of you and another huge building which is actually a parking garage (Stadium Garage). Stay in the right-hand lane and bear right for either of the parking options below.
- You can park in Stadium Garage, which will now be on your left. This garage is generally open to both those with campus parking permits and paying customers. On weekends the cost is around $3 for the first hour and $5 for the day.
- OR, you can continue past the garage, proceeding forward to Lot 1 which is available on weekends to anyone, no fee.
- N.B. After parking,
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE walk around outside to enter via the Dance Studios doors (as described above). Again, the Performing Arts Center is a huge wandering complex of a building; if you enter through any other door, you're on your own!